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Arts and Culture
Workforce Development
Legal Referral Network

Access to Affordable Housing Programs & Housing, Counseling, and Education


Kijiji-Afrika works alongside indigenous organizations and community leaders, learning from and amplifying their voices to build a more just and inclusive society.

Access to Affordable Housing Programs & Housing, Counseling, and Education


Educational Services

Partnerships with Housing Providers

Immigration Referral Services

Judge and Gavel

Legal Referral Network

A Legal Support Network

Develop a network of trusted immigration attorneys and legal service providers who can offer guidance and support to individuals seeking assistance with immigration-related matters.

Information and Resource Hub

Create an online platform or resource center where African immigrants can access accurate and up-to-date information on immigration procedures, policies, and available resources.

Workshops and Seminars:

Organize workshops and seminars to educate individuals on their rights, immigration options, and pathways to legal status.

● Career Workshops: Conduct interactive workshops to introduce youth to various corporate career paths and industries. Provide insights into job responsibilities, required skills, and potential growth opportunities.
● Career Assessments: Administer career assessments and aptitude tests to help youth identify their strengths, interests, and potential career matches.
● Mentorship Program: Establish a mentorship program where youth are paired with professionals in their desired fields. Mentors can provide guidance, advice, and real-world perspectives on corporate careers.

Career Exploration and Guidance

● Communication and Presentation Skills: Offer training sessions on effective communication, public speaking, and professional presentation skills. Provide opportunities for youth to practice these skills through mock interviews and presentations.
● Resume and Cover Letter Writing: Conduct workshops on crafting compelling resumes and cover letters tailored to corporate job applications. Offer personalized feedback and guidance to help youth create impactful job application materials.
● Networking Skills: Teach youth the importance

Professional Skills Development

Workforce Development Program

We offer a Workforce Development Program for Youth from ages 14-18. The objective is to equip young individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary for successful entry into the corporate career workforce. 

In-person sessions

Cultural events and celebrations, and civic engagement in issues concerning African communities. With this, we aim to create a sense of community and promote cross-cultural understanding fostering a culture of inclusion and respect.

Online community engagement forums

These forums encourage active engagement on diverse advocacy and social justice issues that affect Africans in the Diaspora.

Arts and Culture Program

The art and culture program addresses challenges faced by Africans in the Diaspora in need of a local community, opportunities, networks and resources required to thrive.

Through our art and culture initiatives, we will provide opportunities and support systems to foster belonging & empowerment, as well as celebrate cultural diversity & cultural preservation of the African community in the Diaspora. We will achieve this through:

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